Warts and all
Warts and all Farid Haque Building a product is often a messy process and the best of product managers like us mere mortals struggle with prioritisation and building out effective Product Roadmaps that support customers and business objectives in equal measure. Over the last 2.5 months we have been hard at work pulling together a […]
How can our membership-only platform solve your Business Development pain-points?

How can our membership-only platform solve your Business Development pain-points? Revenue Growth Farid Haque Humor us for a second and ask yourself a question. Q. Who are the top 3 – 5 sales people in your network. Pause….5 mins pass. Exactly. Thought so…struggling a little. The majority of founders and investors we spoke with did […]
Why AstraNova?
Home Why AstraNova? Founders – Investors 12 hours ago Farid Haque Humor us for a second and ask yourself a question. Q. Who are the top 3 – 5 sales people in your network. Pause….5 mins pass. Exactly. Thought so…struggling a little. The majority of founders and investors we spoke with did too. Some cleary […]